HOURS: 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Wednesday-Sunday, and Monday Holidays.

Get tickets, see events, or find visitor info.

Parallax Heading [h2]

Select a background image and add some text for an overlay. The text will scroll and reveal different sections of the image.


This centers an image on the page and allows for a long caption or description within a full WYSIWYG editor.

  • Cheese press
  • Bement-Program_2013_16
  • Yoke
  • 12-Frary
  • 6A-Dwight+front

Create a grid of images of various sizes with optional content. When content is present a plus symbol appears in the bottom right corner of the image that when clicked reveals the content.

Create a grid of images of various sizes with optional content. When content is present a plus symbol appears in the bottom right corner of the image that when clicked reveals the content.

Create a grid of images of various sizes with optional content. When content is present a plus symbol appears in the bottom right corner of the image that when clicked reveals the content.