America’s Town, America’s Story: The Campaign for Historic Deerfield
Deerfield is a unique place in the American landscape – a living, breathing embodiment of The American Story. Each passing year, Historic Deerfield’s museum houses and collection of fine and decorative arts grow in value to society because they are rare survivors of early America and physical links to our past. These treasures are at the core of the Deerfield experience – the foundation upon which our visitors engage with our nation’s history.
As is the case with national treasures, challenges come with time. We must address the effects of age, use, pollution, and a changing climate if our historic buildings, and the stories they can teach us, are to survive.
Furthermore, we must continue to seek new approaches to sharing Deerfield’s stories in ways that attract and engage new audiences, while deepening the experiences of those who regularly visit and support us.
Historic Deerfield is poised to meet these challenges through a $10 million campaign, “America’s Town, America’s Story,” that will strengthen the museum’s resources for preservation, restoration, and visitor engagement.
With your support of the “America’s Town, America’s Story” Campaign, we will build the resources to ensure that the Stebbins House and the centuries-old buildings that line Old Main Street, and dot the historic landscape around them, are maintained and preserved, and that Deerfield’s stories – indeed, America’s stories – continue to be shared, for many more generations to come.
Specifically, Historic Deerfield seeks support in the following areas:
Restoration of the Stebbins House

Visitor Engagement
